Friday, December 30, 2011

Being Deep!


- means not hiding inside yourself but being prepared to reveal yourself completely and without reservation or defence to show up in all your honest glory!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


I sit & wonder who are my tears are for?
Are they for my dreams ?
Are they for my emptiness or for those I wish to love?
Are they for regrets or for disappointments?
Are they for my yearnings to be seen or for my fear of truly being so?
Are they for my loneliness or for the claustrophobia of my shallow life?
Are they for my past or my future?
Are they for what I have or for what I have lost?
Are they new or very old?
I sit and wonder who my tears are for, and who in fact is crying?
I sit and wonder who it is who is watching?
... Then after a while ...after some tears...
I just sit in Wonder!