Saturday, November 19, 2011



Tread carefully around your doubts and fears because under there thorny exterior lies a pain of deep sorrow,
A voice of unheard desperation wishes to be heard and in the hearing heal
Approach your inner world with compassion and tenderness , allowing the expression of whatever you find there to be voiced,
Embrace and comfort each layer of abandonment until you once again are whole!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The waves of our reactions arise and fall in our ocean of being- Evernow


The All


The All!
The mornings clarity of delusion gives way to the stunning beauty of truth
The right's and wrongs of our attachments, Slowly surrender to the gift of neutrality
As the divine ubiquity of our presence Accepts all that is As Is
Without pausing for judgement or conclusion
The subtle nets of our ownership fall, Full of holes
As we are freed beyond all imagining To encompass the ALL!

Stuck behind your eyes the truth silently waits for recognition
