Saturday, May 06, 2006


'We come from the Light and to the Light we return!"

As each Soul sits contemplating its next incarnation , no matter what the challenges are for each particular Lifetime , it looks for the circumstances that will allow it the possibility to Enter the Darkness of Forgetting and then to adventure through each day back to Remembrance as one with the Light .

We are All born an unlimited , magnificent illuminated being , sparkling with eyes of delight for everyone to behold. Each baby is a source of Joy and lightness of being , not only for the parents but also for each person that comes into contact with them , as their giggling smiling face reminds of the child in our own heart!

However as we grow up and join the world the once approved of brilliance is seen as too much , like a spotlight in their face , so the parents install a Dimmer switch to us and get about the task of keeping us quite and out of 'trouble' so we fit in with the rest of the herd! Eventually after a million "No's" we become very proficient at dimming ourselves and soon have it set on Low Lite setting! ...this pleases everyone so much that now around your 7th birthday you are awarded with your very own Lampshade so you don't have to worry about the switch and you have lots of great shadow in which to store your suppressed Feelings and unwanted emotions.

Now this is all well and good , until one day usually around what is commonly called your Aquarius rising in astrology or late twenties / early thirties the shade is overflowing and things start to leak out into your life that seem unwanted and unexpected as the emotional storeroom is full! About this time you are usually impacted by some serious challenges in life that make you question all you previously believed and you no longer feel like wearing the shade , maybe a break-up , maybe a death , maybe an illness , maybe a betrayal ... whatever it is you are left raw and vulnerable and you look elsewhere for answers !

It might be a workshop or a journey abroad but you find a glimpse of what had been hidden and you pull off the dimmer switch and your light is exposed like a beacon of illumination , and you see all the baggage you have been carrying and start the work to process, release and embrace you inner depths. As you do this your outside world is effected and people are drawn to you and your light , inquisitive of the glistening quality of your being and curious to know how they might achieve it ! Yet be aware once in your radiance they themselves become exposed and quite often they are not ready for this unexpected revealing of their long forgotten suppression and the fear and may be overwhelming and cause them to retreat back to the comfort of their shadows , yet a spark will have been set and their own journey will have begun !

The Greatest challenge as Nelson Mandela says in the famous speech "is our Light not our darkness!" yet each lifetime holds a new journey with the potential of remembrance in a new and mysterious way thus infinitely enriching the wisdom of our souls , and as we join once again the Source we bring a new shade of illumination to its eternal Radiance!

So remove your Dimmer switch today and Shine forth , you have a unique and wondrous star inside you that will benefit all that bask in it !!

Peace & Passion Paul Gotel xxx