Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Allowing Abundance!

Abundant Living!

The nature of Abundance is often the Achilles heel of the modern world of spirituality, people who devote time and energy towards there daily practice achieving a sense of well being , seem to stumble when faced with the manifestation of Wealth in their everyday life ,in particular the Energy vibration we call MONEY !

Money is the most tangible and free form of energy present in our Western world , it crosses all barriers , translates into all languages and takes all forms , it has no prejudices , biases or agendas , being available to all , in fact as Byron Katie says " it is a great example to follow" so why do we have so much charge about it ?

All meaning is assigned , everything we experience in life starts as neutral , it then has meaning assigned to it by us based on how we are effected by our interaction with it ! All our conclusions , both learnt and taught , made in the past are then superimposed onto the next similar experience we have , and thus a preconceived idea is projected onto each moment , cutting us off from really being present and seeing a new perspective!

This is what we all have about money , a bunch of judgments and feelings , about having it or not having it , about others having more or less of it than us and what that means , should we feel guilty or grateful , generous or miserly , in fact there are so many paradoxical opinions about it that it is no wonder we have a difficult time understanding it !

So the first thing to do is to stop blaming Money ! Money is not a 'thing' but simply an expression of your energy in the world and how you relate to it . Just like electrical current you often can not see it , you don't know what it is exactly yet you use it everyday for a multitude of devices with out any judgments. There is an infinite supply of energy (i.e. money) and Abundance is the realization of this fact , so how do we experience more or less of it?..... by our choices!

Imagine you are a hole in the fabric of reality and on one side is the infinite energy of the source and it shines through you out onto the vast blackness of space creating your own picture called life . Now the size of that hole ( i.e. you ) is the only limitation to the energy you perceive is yours, so in order to experience more energy in what ever form you choose, money , vitality , time or love all you have to do is open yourself up to it ! And the reason we do not, is because we fear we will tear the very make up of our personality , our ego's, which are built on the false concept that we are reactors to out there , not in truth the creators from in here!

So in conclusion abundance is not something to get but something to allow! In each moment you are the one choosing what shows up in your life and how much of it. Remove your own fears and judgments , increase your level of acceptance and witness the Infinite Source expressing through you !