Thursday, March 08, 2007


'The only constant is change' - a famous saying that happens to be quite true so the question is not how do we transform but what do we transform into ?

Every moment we are making choices that effect who we are , they define us and constantly transform who we are the next moment so it is literally impossible to ever remain unchanged. Each thought we have shifts our perception of ourselves and thus the world around us is seen with new eyes and in our experience seems to change as well. Just as a caterpillar will go through life seeing a world of branches and leaves once transformed into a butterfly it's world will become beautiful flowers and expansive skies , so may you willingness to let go of who you are enable you to become whatever you dream to be!

So what dreams are we having ? The answer to this will lead us to what we are becoming if we stay focused on an abundant future' following our Bliss' as Joseph Campbell so eloquently put, then our life will reflect that. All it takes is 'Intention, Attention and No-Tension' as Janet bray attwood says in the Passion test , yet hidden in here is the key it is the tension that prevents us from having what we desire ,or more accurately experiencing what we choose. Marianne williamson hit the nail on the head when she spoke about our greatest fear being our light and not our darkness , in fact we often feel more secure hidden from sight than exposed in the light . What we undeniable choose is to be limited , to project our power outwards to many seemingly unswayable sources , our families,our teachers, our society, our government even our God , (whether we call it Fate , destiny or universe) This allows us to be comfortable with the small scope of our responsibility and not overawed by the truth , that we are responsible for it all .

Every experience that comes to us is one of infinite possibilities available in every moment from the vast unknown , were all things exist not materially but potentially . So we do not so much as create , but select and witness from the all that is ,based on our priorities at the time and these line up as stepping stones for our future .

However our priorities are split, as Aurobindo puts it between our conscious , sub unconscious and super-conscious , with all three sending out different signals that confuse the experience. So the only way to become integral in our choice is to become unified in our objective , to have all three aspects of ourselves in harmony . To analyse and restructure our foundations , the subconscious scripts so that they are in accordance with our grander vision. To let go of the conscious ego's limited ideas and align it with the greater aspect of our eternal soul that is one with the source , dropping our fears and transforming ourselves each day to a bright new being!