Thursday, July 21, 2005

Ripples in Infinity!

God realisation is when each drop of water experiences itself as the ocean !

We cling so tightly to our individuality , concerned that if we allow ourselves to be engulfed into the source that we will cease to be , however this is both true and false! The limited sense of ourselves we attach to called the Ego will dissolve , yet what is revealed underneath that is the infinite Self that was eternally there ! The Feeling is of a drop of water falling into a still pond loosing its limited distinction of self as a drop yet becoming the grander experience of the ripples it creates , expanding ever outwards into the lake of infinity!

The purpose of Life is for God to experience itself through Us!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Crafted by life!

I have always been a part of the western world yet seemed to rebel from its excesses and striving for more yet after my journey away for 5 years I realised that 'to be in this world but not of it' was my path of exaggerated evolution .

All of life is a backdrop on which you project your own particular story , perfectly aligned to bring you face to face with you own cocktail of issues to focus your attention on and to resolve in peace and surrender, embracing all your negative projections back to your heart when you realise they are lost parts of You !

The scenery may change , the actors may change, your costume might change even your place in the audience will change but your essence has never changed , and the play is simply a vehicle to lead you back to what has always been true!

Whatever you choose life will constantly craft you , like an unending series of sculpturers with there chisels , each chip lost will reveal the beauty existent within us!

Friday, July 15, 2005


Paul Gotel .... Inner-power          

my Background

After spending the last 7 years gaining extensive inner wisdom from the highest authority , Life experience , I have accumulated a plethora of skills and knowledge , training in both personal and professional  Life coaching and Transformational leadership . I am a 7th level Reiki master , meditation lecturer and a fire walking instructor .  I was previously a founder and managing director of the country's largest music promotions group ,working for over 16 years in the competitive world of entertainment experiencing first hand  the stress and pressure of the  demanding role of  the Business life. I then sold my company group and spent the last 5 years travelling to sacred sites in over 55 countries world wide and built up a wealth of  ancient wisdom that I have married into my modern approach and which the research is currently being shaped into a forthcoming book - 'I not Me'

my Approach -                                   Inner power

Life coaching is all about promoting a space where one can gain a  Higher standard of living , not in the old way of thinking but redefining it with the emphasis on LIVING ! Increasing our sense of wealth not as money but as the inner value that is revealed to us when we learn to accept ourselves , surrender to our imperfection and take responsibility for our past and  a new positive future!

Engendering Acceptance - Allowing Surrender - Encouraging Responsibility

All our modern striving money, success, fame, respect  are aimed towards one goal the pursuit of happiness and as the buddha said  ' Peace is the highest form of happiness' . By nurturing an inner foundation of forgiveness , Peace is able to seed in this fertile soil and happiness blooms not as a result of some all to fleeting outside stimulus , but because of a real relationship with who you truly are!  

Once we drop our self- judgement we discover the overwhelming wisdom that exists withIN us all,

INtuition, INstinct, INsight, INner-sense!

Learning to trust that your INnervoice has the answers , leads to an INnerpower that radiates as charisma and confidence allowing you to bring into your career,family and relationship a new attitude of positivity and calm showing you that "when you 'C' your life differently you stop rea'C'ting and start 'C'reating!" - Neale donald walsche

my INvitation

Your own experiences have lead you to this point and shown you  that there is something more to life than a constant striving ,coping and dealing with the problems that seem to stand before you ,  it is time to take a new perspective locating  a solid grounding  within you where you'll find the clarity and focus to move forward  with a balanced and centred  approach !

I am based in aptly named Haiku on the north shore of the island paradise of Maui, in a peaceful upcountry setting where the  frenetic energy seems to melt away in this non-judgemental space and offer one to one coaching individually crafted to allow you to explore and discover who you really are ! ..and who you choose to BE!

Peace and Passion PAUL  

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Home to Myself

'If you don't go within you will go without!" - Neale Donald Walsche

This simple line I first read in Neale's book Conversations with God , not only brought me from the depths of a Breakdown but lead me on a journey around the world to over 2000 sacred sites in 55 countries and finally to the destination we are all heading for , Home to Myself!

This morning I started to read a great new book The four Agreements that address this exactly and I would recommend it highly as a place to start the journey , also for those of a more magical slant The journey Home by Kyron puts this courageous adventure we are all embarked on into a epic Parable !

Essentially the we are not on a journey of acquisition but a journey of dissolution , remove what you are not and what you are is revealed as always having been there!... How do you know what to remove ? What can be removed is not you , what is eternal IS!

Peace & Passion Paul xxx