Friday, April 07, 2006

Mastering Truth

We are all masters walking a path and although each may seem different in content they are all the same in energetics ! We are all moving from dream to waking , from consciousness to unconsciousness , constantly unravelling the knowledge we hold into experience and thus revealing the wisdom wrapped in each moment like a harvest of pearls . Yet if we get lost in the harvest and never crack open our shells the pearls are never seen , and the harvest is barren.

The perfection is the Paradox of Truth, how each seeming individual soul can act from there heart and manifest the ideal players to come into there life to offer them a mirror of themselves , be it judgement, reflection or admiration, and thus create the circumstances to experience the making Known from the Unknown and gleaning the wisdom therein. And yet somehow all beings can do this simultaneously , there is no confusion or disturbance in the Perfect chaos of choice!

To slap another is to awaken yourself to the truth that it is you who were in a box asleep ,and dreaming were slapped by there behaviour of limitation ! Awaken to the truth that all is you echoed and see the ripples are made by the stone dropped in the pool , and whilst the ripples repeat on the surface the stone drops deeper , return to the stone you are , be solid in truth and deepen in wisdom!